Well Linda knew just what I needed to brighten my day. I went out to get the mail and there was an unexpected package in there.... I saw that it was from Linda Parker at http://parkersparadise.blogspot.com and knew I was going to love it. So I ripped open the package to find this most darling pillow
I love, love love it Linda, Thank you so much for brightening my day. You are such an amazing person. I am blessed to know you. THANK YOU SO MUCH, I hope you know how much your generosity truly touches peoples lives.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
hooked rug giveaway at Hungry Hook Primitives
You have to go check out Hungry Hook Primitives blog http://hungryhookprimitives.blogspot.com/2011/10/fall-fun-giveaway-at-hungry-hook.html to see her amazing giveaway, you get to choose either the completed rug or the kit. Hurry on over and enter
computer issues
Gosh it has been forever since I have been on blogger.... in the last couple of months I have had the harddrive in my computer die twice....so after the last time, I tossed that computer out. I finally got a laptop last weekend..YEAH!!!!! now my computer is not compatible with my printer... so I have to go out to get a new printer. Oh well I feel human again now that I am online again... it is going to take me weeks to get caught up on everyones blogs. Happy Thursday
Thursday, September 8, 2011
giveaway at Old Road Primitives
Head on over to Old Road Primitives
To see the wonderful give away Kim is hosting. Her work is so wonderful.
But hurry, you only have until Sept 15 to enter.
To see the wonderful give away Kim is hosting. Her work is so wonderful.
But hurry, you only have until Sept 15 to enter.
Friday, August 26, 2011
A wonderful giveaway at Hungry Hook Primitives
Have you wanted to learn how to become a Hooker....then you need to go to Hungry Hook Primitives and read through Margie's tutorial. She is full of great information to get us all started. She is also having a giveaway. Go check out her blog

Thursday, August 25, 2011
My new obsession
Wow!!!! it has been forever since my last post. So much has been going on this summer, but now it is almost time for school to start back up and for things to get back to normal. I wanted to share some pictures of my new collections I have started. I have to admit, I think I am a bit obsessed with the old typewritters. In my kitchen I collect old scales buy my livingroom looked like it needed a collections so this is what I have been finding.
This is an old Corona, It was heading for the trash, Can you believe someone would throw this away, it even has the original case....
This one has two large handles. Love Love Love this one...It is HUGE
This is an old Corona, It was heading for the trash, Can you believe someone would throw this away, it even has the original case....
I found this Royal typewritter at a fun place called Pa's Trading Post in Oxford, ME... I love that place
my other Obsession is these baskets. I just love them hung on the wall, I need to fill them with some berries or something
This one has two large handles. Love Love Love this one...It is HUGE
So there you have it, my new collections.
We are bracing for Hurricaine Irene this weekend, I hope everyone stays safe.
Prim Blessings
Monday, June 6, 2011
HELP!!!!!!I can't post comments
Hello blog friends... I need help, ever since my computers hard drive died and I had a new one put in, I can't post comments on blogs. I type my comment and hit post and it ask for me to choose a profile, so I choose google and it won't take the info... I am not sure how to fix this issue so I sure would appreciate any help you all might have.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
hard lesson learned and sad news made for a low key Memorial day weekend
Hello Blog Friends,
I haven't been out here in what seems like forever. This would be where the Hard Lesson Learned comes in... My computers hard drive died and did I have a back up???? NO! I lost everything, Pictures, business stuff, all my documents, all my patterns that I have bought, YUP all of it. I am most sad about losing my photos. I never printed pictures, just kept them on my computer and now they are all gone.
The sad news is that my Dad's prostate cancer has come back. We thought the surgery had done the trick but he had blood work last week and the Dr said it has returned. I know he is lucky that it is prostate as that is very curable but it is still hard to go through. Cancer Sucks no matter how you look at it.
Now I have to tell you all that the one bright spot in my week last week was opening the mail box and seeing a package from Lil Raggedy Angie at http://www.lilraggedyangie.blogspot.com/ . She sent me some very nice items including a lil raggedy doll, an americana rug, a candle and some yo yo flowers . This was her *RAGS* to me and it couldn't have come at a better time. I Thank her so much for putting a smile on my face when I really didn't have to much to smile about. so THANK YOU ANGIE
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend, I want to extend a huge thank you to the men and women who serve this country
Blessings to all
I haven't been out here in what seems like forever. This would be where the Hard Lesson Learned comes in... My computers hard drive died and did I have a back up???? NO! I lost everything, Pictures, business stuff, all my documents, all my patterns that I have bought, YUP all of it. I am most sad about losing my photos. I never printed pictures, just kept them on my computer and now they are all gone.
The sad news is that my Dad's prostate cancer has come back. We thought the surgery had done the trick but he had blood work last week and the Dr said it has returned. I know he is lucky that it is prostate as that is very curable but it is still hard to go through. Cancer Sucks no matter how you look at it.
Now I have to tell you all that the one bright spot in my week last week was opening the mail box and seeing a package from Lil Raggedy Angie at http://www.lilraggedyangie.blogspot.com/ . She sent me some very nice items including a lil raggedy doll, an americana rug, a candle and some yo yo flowers . This was her *RAGS* to me and it couldn't have come at a better time. I Thank her so much for putting a smile on my face when I really didn't have to much to smile about. so THANK YOU ANGIE
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend, I want to extend a huge thank you to the men and women who serve this country
Blessings to all
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thoughts and prayers to the people of Alabama
Today I am sending my thoughts and prayers to the people of Alabama. They are being ravaged by Tornado's and it is just complete devistation is some spots. So please keep these people in your thoughts today.
Have a blessed day
Have a blessed day
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
2 packages in the mail today... also met a fellow blogger at the show Sunday
Hello Blog Friends, Today is very rainy in Maine but it got brighter when the mail lady came and brought me 2 packages. One from the Giveaway I won a while ago... this package came from over the Pond so it took longer but was worth the wait. Thank you Silvia
Look at the postage from Europe... I have never seen such a large beautiful stamp
Look at the postage from Europe... I have never seen such a large beautiful stamp
Silvia sent this beautiful stitchery and and Egg and she also sent me a magazine of her neck of the woods to show me what it is like over there. I have always wanted to visit so for now I am going to just sit and read that magazine and dream. Thank you so much
Here is my package from Samantha, She hosted an Easter swap. This box smelled so good even before I opened it.
and look at all the goodies inside. Samantha made some fabric covered eggs, the most adorable bunny pillows, my favorite pattern of hers, Washday... and I wish you could smell the soy tarts, O Holy Moly my house smells good. My favorite is the Apple and Maple Bourbon, it smells so good. She was so sweet to include my daughter too, She sent the most adorable apron , Kennedy put it on so I could take her picture, then she ran upstairs to play at her kitchen with it.
Here is Kennedy in her Jelly Bean apron making a goofy face. Thank you so much Samantha.. everyone should go check out her blog, Samantha's accessories
So now to the weekend... the Hubs and I headed to Mass to attend the Market Square Cash and Carry show. We got there a little early to get in line and then a couple came up in line after us... We all just kind of stood there for a minute and then the lady said, excuse me, I just want to tell you "I love your Coach purse, Pink is my favorite color" and that started our conversation. Her name is Tricia and her husband is Ken. These are two of the nicest people we have met in a long time. So we chatted while waiting in line to get in to the show and Tricia and I soon realized that we both blog and followed many of the same blogs. Her blog is Hillcrest Home Prims, I was already a follower of hers. Isn't it amazing how small a world we live in. Both Paul and I are very thankful to have met Tricia and Ken and hope to keep in touch with them.
Well I hope you all have a great week
Friday, April 8, 2011
a new giveaway at The Keeping Room
Hello everyone, Heather and Lori from The Keeping Room are having a giveaway. It is a surprise valued at $40 and if you look at their blog you will know that you are getting something amazing. These are two very talented ladies. So go take a look and become a follower, as soon as they reach 100 followers they will draw a name. http://the-keeping-room.blogspot.com/2011/04/keeping-room-giveaway.html?showComment=1302285484493#c4802704041255683512
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Another earthquake in Japan
Hello everyone, I am asking you to send prayers to the people of Japan as they have suffered another earthquake and Tsunami Warnings were issued. This country has suffered so much lately and my heart goes out to them all.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Another package and a snow storm
So the only light in my day today was getting the mail and there was a wonderful package... I am so thankful for getting that package today because I've gotta tell you this snow storm has made for a grumpy day. I tried to shovel the 3 inches of snow on top of 4 inches of slush, that resulted in a very sore back. Had to call a plow guy to come clean up the driveway. Thank goodness for the plow guy. So here are some pictures of my new package
Gina from Cat Nap Inn Primitives sent me this package
and once again, the picture does not do any justice. This is an absolutely beautiful bag. Thank you Gina
now on to the Nor'easter that hit Maine and the rest of New England today, I really thought the weather guys all got together and were pulling a big April fools joke on us with the weather forecast but to my surprise, they were serious. We got alot of snow that resulted in about 4 inches of slush with 3 or so inches of snow on top. Impossible to shovel, but great for a snowman. Kennedy had fun making a snowman in the middle of the turnaround.
see all this snow, yesterday this was grass...we really got alot of that white stuff. I sure hope mother nature starts to get in a better mood soon. Enough with winter and time for spring.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
Thursday, March 31, 2011
and the packages keep coming...
Got another package in the Mail... I really look forward to getting the mail now..even the bills don't look so bad when there is a wonderful package waiting to be opened....
so here is the newest package
and look what ws inside that box...this is from Tins and Treasures.. Thank you Natalie
I wish you could all see the tin can and the paint color. It is just beautiful and it was full of all these goodies. My daughter quickly spotted the peeps.Thank you again Natalie
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Name that Bear @ York Mountain Mercantile
Head on over and have fun naming that Bear, Isn't he just the cutest.....
Monday, March 28, 2011
more packages and our weekend.
Happy Monday Blog friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am going to start this post with... Yup you guessed it, more packages. How blessed am I to have won the PAFA team giveaway. So here is a package from Saturday, forgot the picture of the package, I was excited and just opened it
Look at this beautiful Pillow, isn't it wonderful. Ronda Tedder at Simple Thyme Prims did a great Job
Then this package came in from Trish Camillo and look what is inside...I won her giveaway for the spring wreath. It is just beautiful
Here it is, the colors are beautiful and that bunny is so darn cute
Sunday here in Maine was Maple syrup Sunday so we got up early and headed to a small maple sugar house in Gorham, Maine
It was freezing outside, inside smelled like Heaven
getting ready to add more wood to the sap boiler
gotta keep that fire hot for the sap
samples of ice cream and fresh maple syrup
Here is the outside of the shack... it is a really cute building
Then even though it was freezing, we decided to go to the beach to look at the ocean and get some Pier fries for lunch.. It is so worth the drive for those pier fries.. YUMMO!!!
Not sure what was up with my camera, these pictures are soooo bright, it was very sunny out but these are just so bright
Kennedy wrote her name in the sand, we were all freezing and she was ready to play in the water, crazy girl...
I hope you all had a great weekend as well.
Friday, March 25, 2011
we have been busy
I have been so busy painting as my husband is building... we have orders to fill and they seem to be never ending. I have paint tables set up all over the place trying to get it all done..I thought I would share some pictures of what got done so far this week.
Here is a coffee table, all black and distressed. I am a big fan of black distressed pieces.
Here is a coffee table, all black and distressed. I am a big fan of black distressed pieces.
here is another coffee table with a stained top, that is how the customer wanted it. I like it but prefer the all black look
lots and lots of peg racks
These are our primitive shelves, the will have black hooks put on the bar in the middle, they are a great seller
just a coupe more primitive shelves. This black one will have rusty hooks put on, it looks so nice, I will need to take a picture with the hooks on
Peg shelves in all sorts of colors
a couple small cupboards, we call these medicine cabinets, Paul needs to put the hinges on
and my flowers, these will be all over the outside of the shop, makes it feel like spring
some paper towel holders, need to distress and put the poll in to hold the roll of towels.
last but not least, some bowl racks...
so that was this weeks projects... can't wait to see what he builds for next week.
Have a great weekend, It is maple syrup Sunday here in Maine this weekend. We will be going to visit sugar shacks to try their maple syrup...YUMMO!!!
more Packages!!! Woo Hoo
Got some more packages.. this truly is just like Christmas. For once I actually look forward to seeing the Mail lady.
So here are my newest goodies. Again, the pictures do not do justice. in person the workmanship of all the pieces I have gotten is just amazing.
so here is package one
So here are my newest goodies. Again, the pictures do not do justice. in person the workmanship of all the pieces I have gotten is just amazing.
so here is package one
Just look at these darling bunnies... they are so cute. I love them
a couple more packages
look at this pillow, it is hand painted and so much cuter in person. the colors are so vibrant. and the bunny's look just like choc bunnies. just so cute. my house has never been so decorated for spring.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Mail lady has been busy
Ok, so the wonderful items from the PAFA giveaway have started to arrive. It feels like Christmas opening up all these wonderful items. and I have to tell everyone, the pictures don't do these items any Justice. They are all fantastic and amazing. THANK YOU to everyone
This was Saturdays Mail delivery
I need to get all these sweet items in special spot in my home. very excited to do some spring decorating.
This was Saturdays Mail delivery
and in those wonderful packages were these amazing items.
and these too...
and here is todays delivery from the Mail lady... again the pictures do not do any justice to just how truly wonderful these items are
I need to get all these sweet items in special spot in my home. very excited to do some spring decorating.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the PAFA Team giveaway. You are all amazing artist and your work is beautiful. I am truly honored to own a piece of your work.
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